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Choosing the Right Long Hair Cat Brush or Cat Combs

Choosing the Right Long Hair Cat Brush or Cat Combs

What you should know when buying a long hair cat brush

A Maine coon, Ragdoll, Siberian Birman, Persian or Himalayan long-haired cat is a splendid creature to behold. While it is tempting to give a child a long-haired cat, you should consider this type of cat a pet for “advanced cat lovers”.

What sets Cat Shop Online apart regarding cat combs for long hair cats

Long-haired cats require special care. Their coat and skin’s condition need help to stay in good shape. Contrary to other online shops, we know precisely which specialised tools are best when you are looking for a cat brush for long haired cats.

  • A steel or chrome comb often called a Greyhound comb or flea comb is essential to keep your cat’s mane clean. No brush is more efficient for areas behind the ears and under the front legs.
  • A slicker brush is an undercoat brush with both wide and narrow teeth. Fluffing up your pet’s long topcoat is ideal. You will remove any loose hairs, and your cat will look gorgeous. Choose a model which makes it easy to remove the hairs after use. While you may love this kind of brush, your cat may have a different opinion.
  • After you have groomed the undercoat and topcoat, you may want to put a de-shedder at work to rapidly remove large amounts of loose hair. If your cat is not a slicker brush fan, then they may accept this type of brush better.
  • Use a de-matter with rounded blades to gently cut through the mats. Thanks to the curve, you can cut through the bottom of the mat. Usually, the smaller the brush, the better.

Every human is different, but this simple rule applies to long-haired cats as well. While the above four brushes are usually excellent choices, your cat may be extra demanding. Thanks to our superb range of products, you’ll always find what you need to treat your cat like the royalty it is.

Tips for Getting More Value out of Your Long Hair Cat Comb

Having the right products for a long-haired cat is one thing. Putting them to use correctly is another matter.

  • Whichever brush you use, always be gentle.
  • Brush everywhere: body, belly, tail, chin and legs.
  • Long-haired cats don’t necessarily require a long time to brush. A few minutes at a time every day may be more than enough.
  • Sprinkle some corn-starch or talcum powder to loosen mats. Detangle them carefully with a mat-breaker.
  • Gels or treats help prevent hairballs or make it easier for your cat when they rid themselves of them.

Remember that your cat’s diet can ruin or save their coat. To prevent hairballs, a high-fibre diet is considered best. Other additions may help, such as canned pumpkin, but before you do, consult your vet. You’ll find many shampoos in our Cat Shop Online. Certain breeds of long-haired cats love the extra attention which a bath and shampoo supply.

Buy at Cat Shop Online not just to get excellent products, but also for the best advice. Contact us to find out all there is to know about long-haired cat care. There is much to consider when you have such a splendid companion, but with our assistance, you’ll make them shine.

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